Affiliate Marketing Journey

It’s been I while since I’ve updated here!

I’ve had a baby (He’s now almost 2 1/2!!) , I’m currently pregnant (due in November) and I have multiple books in the works but at the same time inspiration and motivation is all over the place for me so I sadly haven’t been writing. BUT I have started a small new journey. Affiliate Marketing. I’m dipping my toes in, hoping it’ll become a little bit of a side hustle for me. And that’s where you come in.

If I post links to things (including my punished books) and you feel like it’s something you’re interested in, all you have to do is click. Some links I get commission just from you clicking them, others it gives commission based on what’s being bought. But there is absolutely NO OBLIGATION for you to buy anything. If you’re interested, go for it, if not no worries 😉.

In light of all that, I’m hoping to be more active here, sharing lots of goodies and cool things for you to check out. So far I’ve seen all kinds of different opportunities. Like this training course on affiliate marketing and how to be a badass doing it!

Prime Day is coming July 11-12! Get a 30 day trial here:

And if you’re a student, all you need is your student email and you can get Amazon Student for a 6 MONTH trial!!

I’ll still be trying to work on my books as well, so don’t count me out yet. And I’ll keep my books up for sale as well.

Until Next Time!!